Where is hemp mentioned in the bible?

Consequently, the plant called hemp is suitable for Christians to use as food, medicine and enjoyment (Gen. To be sure, there was a time in my life when I would have easily believed something like this, since I spent 1969-1971 as a hippie rock drummer, using everything from marijuana to LSD and from speed to heroin.

Where is hemp mentioned in the bible?

Consequently, the plant called hemp is suitable for Christians to use as food, medicine and enjoyment (Gen. To be sure, there was a time in my life when I would have easily believed something like this, since I spent 1969-1971 as a hippie rock drummer, using everything from marijuana to LSD and from speed to heroin. Not surprisingly, when my two best friends started reading the Bible, talking to me about the most esoteric passages of Scripture, all kinds of visions, dreams and revelations, I jokingly asked them: What were they smoking? During my years of drug use, I used to go to rock concerts at New York's Fillmore East, watching bands like Led Zeppelin and the Who and the Grateful Dead and Jethro Tull, among many others. First, marijuana is still an entry drug, which often leads to the use of other, harder drugs, in addition to becoming addictive in and of itself.

Third, new studies point to the health risks and driving risks associated with marijuana. See here about marijuana use in Colorado. Although its name is uncertain, there is no doubt that the hemp plant was used in the Ancient Near East, and probably in Israel, in a variety of forms, other than as a drug, such as textiles, cords, incense, oils and even seeds used as food. We can see topics related to hemp and the original Hebrew testament, its use as an intoxicating form and incense for religious ceremonies.

The claim that cannabis is mentioned in the Bible originates from the work of Polish anthropologist Sula Benet (1903-198), who obtained a doctorate from the University of Warsaw, where her thesis was entitled “Hashish in Popular Customs and Beliefs. Benet explained that in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament there are references to hemp, both as incense, which was an integral part of religious celebration, and as an intoxicant (. The original Hebrew supposedly mentioned hemp by name, so some people interpret these words to mean that it was created for us by God. When giving a lecture in Warsaw in 1936, he first proposed the idea that cannabis is mentioned in the Bible, a statement that he continued to repeat throughout his academic career.

In 1615, the Italian physician and demonologist Giovanni De Ninault listed hemp as the main ingredient in the ointments and ointments used by followers of the Devil. Supporters of marijuana use are right that the Bible presents alcohol in a positive light when used in moderation and in a negative light when abused, as seen in the previous verses and others, but there is no mention in the Bible at all that hemp plants are used as drugs. The mention of Sheba recalls Solomon's love affair with the Queen of Sheba, and the King of Tyre played a key role in Solomon's construction of the temple. Along with many well-known religions, such as the aforementioned Rastafarian religion (which strive to incorporate cannabis into most of their religious rituals), there are now several religions that focus massively on marijuana.

She blatantly states: “In many ancient languages, including Hebrew, the root kan has a double meaning of both hemp and cane. So when we look at the frequency of the word hemp in the Bible, it makes perfect sense why so many would conclude that marijuana was condoned and created by God Himself. There are arguments in favor of hemp and marijuana because it is a plant made by God, so there should be no problem consuming it.

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